From Informed Decisions : Conversations and Q&A with Randall Craig and Ronja Francoeur.

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Conference Planning: Bums in Seats and Minds Engaged

About this episode: 

You are planning a conference and you want it to be as successful as possible. In today’s Informed Decisions Q&A session, we’ll offer some fresh ideas and insider perspective to help you create a truly memorable conference.  Join Randall Craig, Hall of Fame speaker, who has presented at and attended 500+ events, to explore topics such as:

•  Effective event marketing strategies, without breaking the bank. 

•  No more PowerPoints! New formats that can improve attendee engagement. 

•  Speaker selection strategies: Speaker types, and the tough questions you should ask anyone presenting to your audience to ensure value and fit.

•  From knowledge to Action: Translating event attendance to tangible change. -(And for associations: Using the event to improve member engagement beyond the event itself: Improved retention, future event registrations, online engagement, etc.)

•  And for associations: Using the event to improve member engagement beyond the event itself: Improved retention, future event registrations, online engagement, etc.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Topics Discussed (with timestamps)

•  Tell us the good, the bad, and the ugly of conference planning: What do we need to know? (01:06)

•  Who puts on the best conferences and events: Associations or the corporate world? (03:56)

•  Which is better: The one day summit vs the multi-day conference? (07:07)

•  Conference Programs: Should focus be on networking or content? (09:38)

•  Free Speakers vs Paid Speakers: Why pay when so many will speak for free? (13:13)

•  How can we make our conference stand out?(22:38)

•  Conference Marketing: How can conference organizers influence registration so a desirable audience attends? (00:11)

•  Conference Marketing: Define your target audience with personas (04:28)

•  The Panel Discussion: How to make a panel engaging? (08:01)

•  The Panel Discussion: The role of the facilitator (10:31)

•  Conference Finances: Should conference profits be reinvested into the conference or saved for other purposes? (12:38)

•  Conference Speakers: What should you be asking speakers to find best fit talent? (16:07)

•  Conference planning risk management: What contingency plans should be in place? (21:24)

•  Conference Planning: How long should a keynote be? (00:12)

•  Conference Planning: Reinvent the program anew or rinse and repeat what previously worked?(03:26)

•  Conference Planning: How do we measure if a conference was a success? (05:39)

•  What does a conference post modem look like for conference planners? (08:52)

•  Conference Planning: What if an event falls flat? What went wrong? (11:46)

•  What can association conference planners do to offer value to members? (13:45)

•  Corporate retreats: How can organizations make space for implementation of new ideas? (18:06)

•  Conference Planning: What are the key considerations? (20:54)

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