From Informed Decisions : Conversations and Q&A with Randall Craig and Ronja Francoeur.

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Delegation Skills, Leadership, and Business Growth 

About this episode: 

This session will address delegation as a lever for business growth. Concepts discussed:

•  Proper way of delegating 

•  Obstacles and flip side of delegation

•  Impact of delegating to managers and employees

•  Setting boundaries and expectations, and much more.

Part 1

Part 2

Topics Discussed (with timestamps)

•  What do leaders need to know about delegation skills to grow their organizations? (00:45)

•  Delegation vs Control: How can an organization change when the leadership doesn't want to change? (05:13)

•  Delegation vs Control: How big a hindrance is it on an organization if the leadership values control over delegation? (10:01)

•  Delegation vs Control: How can an organization grow in spite of a controlling leadership team? (13:54)

•  Delegation Problems: What are the "symptoms" within an organization when the leadership isn't delegating sufficiently? (18:02)

•  How can team members signal to leaders (so that the leaders can hear) that the leaders are too noses in and fingers in? (22:03)

•  Should a leader's mentality be to delegate as MUCH as possible? (26:42)

•  What framework should leaders use to determine which tasks to delegate and which tasks to keep for themselves? (00:11)

• Leaders with delegation and control issues: Do they lack clarity on their role as leaders? (04:30)

•  Empowering your Team: If your team over relies on you as a leader, have you properly empowered them? (08:35)

•  Empowering your Team: What should leaders communicate to their teams to stop overreliance and encourage greater independence? (12:07)

•  Empowerment and Trust: How much time is needed for an employee to demonstrate they are trustworthy? (16:03)

•  Empowerment and Trust: Would perfect trust between employee and manager mean no meetings or updates required? (20:22)

•  How can a leader allow themselves to let go of the outcomes produced by their team when it's not how they would do it themselves? (23:14)

•  Work-life Balance for Teams: What if a manager is "delegating" too much and employees are over capacity? (23:14)

•  Delegating and leading teams (23:14)

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