Founders rely on you for coaching, resources, and to build their network. But there is only so much time that you can spend with them, and the more they are able to learn on their own schedule, the faster they will achieve their goals. We can help.
Given our experience growing (and exiting) our own companies, as well as coaching and advising 100+ others, we built the Braintrust Professional Institute to deliver self-paced skills training for entrepreneurs, all in partnership with you.
Our approach is flexible, and depends on your needs. There are three ways we can work together:
Continuing Professional Development: An education program of monthly capacity-building presentations and weekly micro-learning reinforcements at a fixed price. This can supplement your existing resource offerings.
Impactful on-demand learning: On-demand individual courses that are made available to your members.
Gainsharing: Revenue sharing models when you want to make training available as an add-on revenue source.