From Informed Decisions : Conversations and Q&A with Randall Craig and Ronja Francoeur.

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Building a One-Page Marketing Strategy

About this episode: 

Marketing is a huge part of moving any business forward.  More than having a “marketing department”, or outsourcing your marketing to a third-party, it needs to be embedded into every part of your business – from tech to HR to digital. But when not every employee is a “marketer”, how can this be achieved?

 This episode will lean into: 

•   How do you collaborate with your marketers?

•   How does your organizational vision get transmitted to your team?

•   When do you rely on “the experts” and when do you veto with your “gut”?

•   How to set marketing priorities? (It all takes time, after all…)

Part 1

Part 2

Topics Discussed (with timestamps)

•   What are the most important things to know about the  “one-page marketing strategy”?  Includes presentation of the Trust Curve™ (01:08)

•   Regarding the Awareness Stage of the Trust Curve™ framework: Can we assume this is all about how a prospect hears about us, see us for the first time, word of mouth, etc. And I assume social media is a big part of the decision making process? (16:09)

•   The one-page marketing strategy as a visual tool versus infographic? (20:19)

•   The one-page marketing strategy  creative tool or practical tool? (20:19)

•   Are there best practices you can share on relative spend and focus or each of the four segments and how that's meant to evolve over time? (27:44)

•   Are there persuasion techniques to influence preference and move toward trial? (30:24)

•   Can you talk more about when to focus on one stage versus another per your target user group and how you determine where to focus and the types of activities to be done? Assuming that there needs to be some research done with end users in order to gauge what part of the journey to focus on with regards to a marketing strategy. (00:28)

•   Related to diversified channels - but focused on different types of buyers - Can you speak to any great practices for managing a hybrid strategy of targeting D2C directly and B2B partnerships? Anything to watch out for? (08:49)

•   Do organizations need a "100-page marketing plan"? Do they need anything more than a one-page marketing strategy? (12:41)

•   How might we share or repurpose our one-page marketing strategy content with prospects? Or would that be inappropriate? (18:46)

•   What frameworks to use to create unique and distinct personas? (24:05)

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